More Fun Than You Can Shake A Boomstick At

Suppressed Marlin 1894

Pistol Caliber carbines bring a lot to the table for the practical-minded gun owner, but I haven’t yet talked about one of their greatest benefits: the fun factor. If you’re anything like me, then you think just about all guns are fun to shoot under the right circumstances, but I think pistol caliber carbines offer more LPM than any other gun (LPM, of course, being LOLs Per Minute).

PCCs are light, quick firing, low recoil rifles that almost anyone can enjoy and almost anyone can afford to shoot. But here again, the PCC will often be compared against their rimfire cousins. Yes, 22s also use affordable ammo, with even less recoil so that even the most timid of weenies can manage to shoot them, and have fun doing it. And as much as I enjoy punching holes in soda cans with a 10/22 myself, there is always something just slightly unsatisfying about it. Sometimes you really need to teach that soda-can a lesson, and that requires making a bigger hole. Everybody loves the stupid grin on a new shooter’s face when they fire their first 22. But if you want to really see them light up, let them pop a few reactive targets with a PCC that has a little power behind it, but doesn’t punish them with excessive noise, recoil, or muzzle blast.