IWI Tavor 

IWI Tavor
Everybody loves a good bullpup style rifle. Well, maybe not everybody, but a lot of people enjoy them, like our friends Joe and Sootch, who helped me out with filming the IWI Tavor for this week’s Fight it with Fire Friday. We agreed that scented candles that smell like dessert (especially when said dessert is not actually available for consumption) are inherently deceptive and un-American. So we shot some. Enjoy.

What Should We Fight with Fire Next?

Our Fight it with Fire Friday video series is going to get a major facelift soon. And by “facelift”, I mean that we want to blow stuff up
with a metric crap-ton of Tannerite. But what should we destroy? You tell us, and we’ll blow it the heck up. Just… keep it legal.